Archive | July, 2011

SCD High Protein Cookies!

18 Jul


For those following the SCD diet you may have realized that there is little on protein supplements you can use. As someone who is likes to go to the gym a few times a week I have been on the hunt for a good protein supplement. Not finding any I decided to create my own. The following recipe is for a basic cookie recipe that has about 10 grams of protein per cookie. Two of these are all that you need following a workout for maximum muscle repair.

Read the details here (SCD Protein Details)



PDF—————->SCD High Protein Cookies<—————–PDF








Strawberry Coconut Milk Ice Cream

6 Jul

Well readers summer is here and as you can imagine there is a nice correlation with the nice weather and my frequency of posts! Never fear! I am trying to post a few more gems for you to try out this summer. Today’s recipe is a coconut milk base ice cream that I have been making for the last year. Its simple, quick and tastes great. On top of that, no dairy, no sugar, no gluten! Only the good stuff! Like any foods have in moderation but with this dessert you can cheat a bit and not feel guilty.

Some may question the addition of vodka to this recipe. As this ice cream is not dairy based it will not achieve the same consistency and fluffiness cream would give you. Because of that, we add vodka, not only to give a touch of flavour but to prevent the ice cream from over freezing (as vodka does not freeze). By adding chunks of strawberries and coconut you also increase the likelihood that your ice cream will stay a bit more fluffy than normal. If vodka is not your thing try another spirit you prefer.



PDF————–>Strawberry Coconut Milk Ice Cream<————–PDF