Tag Archives: Pecans

SCD High Protein Cookies!

18 Jul


For those following the SCD diet you may have realized that there is little on protein supplements you can use. As someone who is likes to go to the gym a few times a week I have been on the hunt for a good protein supplement. Not finding any I decided to create my own. The following recipe is for a basic cookie recipe that has about 10 grams of protein per cookie. Two of these are all that you need following a workout for maximum muscle repair.

Read the details here (SCD Protein Details)



PDF—————->SCD High Protein Cookies<—————–PDF








Toasted Coconut and Banana Ice Cream

24 May

With the nice weather finally here in Toronto, Ontario its about time we gear up for the summer with some SCD-friendly/GI-friendly ice cream recipes. The great thing about today’s recipe is the base is coconut milk and as it is not so much a milk as the juice from coconuts it is lactose free!  Now while coconut milk may be a bit higher on the scale in terms of saturated fats it does make up for it in nutrition. Check out my section on coconut products to learn about using coconut as a substitute!

Coconut Flour & Oil – A great substitute 

The one part of this recipe i need to stress is that you keep all ingredients COLD before mixing. If this is not possible you will need to chill your final mixture for about 30 minutes. The reason for this is that you will be adding your mixture to an ice cream maker. The warmer the product you put in the faster it will melt the casing which is used to freeze the mixture. If the casing melts too quickly you will not be able to achieve the desired consistency. Additionally make sure you wait at least 20-25 minutes after you turn on your ice cream maker to add any additional toppings to make your ice cream more chunky. I suggest pecans/walnuts and toasted coconut!!

PDF—————->Toasted Coconut and Banana Ice Cream<———–PDF

Sweet Banana Muffins with Pecan/Walnut Topping

2 May

Recently I decided I wanted to put together a good selection of SCD/GI friendly muffin recipe’s you could work into your regular rotation that are not only healthy but also full of flavour. I have previously shared my recipes for delicious orange-pistachio and coconut-blueberry muffins, check them out!

Today’s creation is not only simple but has a great topping of walnuts, pecans and cinnamon. The trick to this recipe is timing when to add the topping. Due to the fact I do not use wheat or sugar in my creations the batter made will not be as dense as wheat would provide. Therefore, you will need to bake the muffins for about 10 minutes before adding the topping to prevent it from sinking to the bottom. Another important aspect to ensure the butter for your topping is warmed to room temperature and mixed (not melted) well with your cinnamon/nut mixture!

Check out the nutritional value here!!


PDF————————>Banana Nut Topped Muffins<————————-PDF